Antibiotic and drug use in livestock and poultry destined for human consumption has been prevalent in many countries for some time. General awareness of the health issues this can cause for humans has grown in recent years, and more regulation has been put into place in many countries to promote thorough and accurate labeling in regards to antibiotic and drug use.
Veterinary drug residues are small amounts of veterinary antibiotics and feed additives that remain in food and beverages produced for human consumption. Illegal drug residues are a major concern for the FDA and FSIS, as well as similar health agencies worldwide due to the harmful effects they can have on human health. The FDA has issued Guidance #213, in support of Guidance for Industry #209. The PEW Charitable Trust outlines this guidance: “Antibiotics important in human medicine should be used in food animals only to assure animal health and should be
limited to uses under the oversight of a licensed veterinarian.” Further, the FDA implemented the Veterinary Feed Directive in order to promote responsible antibiotic use.
It is suspected that drug residues above the regulated tolerances can lead to allergic reactions, disease, or antibiotic resistance. For this reason, it is imperative to conduct regular testing to monitor levels of antibiotic and drug residues in livestock and poultry intended for human consumption. Claims of “Antibiotic Free” and “No Added Growth Hormones” must be backed with laboratory testing.
Trilogy can perform drug residue screens or individual drug residue testing for more than 40 commonly used veterinary antibiotics and growth promoters utilizing LC-MS/MS technology. We analyze a variety of commodities including feed, animal urine, tissue, kidney, liver, fat and dairy products. Learn more about the drug residue testing Trilogy offers, or contact us if you have questions about this analytical service.
Trilogy attended the 2017 AOAC Annual Meeting and Exposition, which was held September 24-27th in Atlanta, GA USA, and presented poster P-W-062 titled "Veterinary Drug Residues... Do the Label Claims Really Hold Up?" as part of the topic "Analysis of Non-Foodborne Contaminants and Residues." View this poster here.
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